Membership of the International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA)
The International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA), founded in 1975, is a not for profit, non-governmental association of educational measurement agencies around the world. The general purpose of IAEA is to improve the quality of education by assisting educational agencies in the development and appropriate application of educational assessment techniques. IAEA believes that this is best achieved through international cooperation and is committed to facilitate the development of closer ties among the relevant agencies and individuals around the world. IAEA believes that such international cooperation can help nations learn from each other with respect for their cultural autonomy.
Its primary objectives are:
- To improve communication among organizations involved in educational assessment by sharing professional expertise through conferences and publications, and by providing a framework in which cooperative research, training, and projects involving educational assessment can be undertaken.
- To make expertise in assessment techniques more readily available for the solution of educational problems.
- To cooperate with other agencies with complementary interests.
- To engage in activities for the improvement of assessment techniques and their appropriate use by educational agencies around the world.
IAEA has consultative status with UNESCO in the achievement of mutual goals.
The benefits of IAEA membership are:
- Access to all papers presented at the annual conferences of the IAEA from 2006 onwards. Non members only have access to the abstracts of the papers.
- Free subscription to the Journal Assessment in Education, except for individual B Members.
- Reduced conference registration fee (± 10%).
- Access to relevant membership data through our website enables members to find and contact colleagues all over the world.
- Full Institutional members can publish job postings and press releases through the IAEA website
- Full Institutional members and Full Individual members have voting rights at the general meeting of members at the annual conference.
There are three types of membership:
- Full Institutional for not-for-profit organisations whose primary objective is educational assessment. For-profit organisations are not admitted as primary members, but the Board of Trustees (Executive Committee) has the discretion to recommend their admission as affiliate members.
- Affiliate Membership for organisations whose work relies for a major part on educational assessment techniques, or financial agencies allocating a large part of their budgets to projects involving educational assessment. The Board of Trustees (Executive Committee) has the discretion to recommend the admission of for-profit organisations as affiliate members, taking care to ensure that such recommendations are not excessively restrictive and that candidates for membership have a genuine interest in educational assessment, as well as technical and professional competence in the field, and show willingness to cooperate actively towards the achievement of the Association’s objectives.
- Ful Individual Membership for individuals with an active professional interest in educational assessment.
Membership fees