Membership guidelines
The Association wishes to reduce membership administration and banking costs and to make more efficient use of the association’s income. Therefore the advanced payment will be introduced. The decision has also been made to increase the number of issues of the Assessment in Education journal from three to four each year.
The following changes have therefore been drawn up. This decision was taken at the IAEA business meeting of 17 September 2009 in Brisbane:
(1) Individual Members are individuals with a professional interest in educational assessment. Full Individual members work in the field of educational assessment, and Affliate Individual members are students or retirees. A student is a person enrolled in a full time graduate degree program as their primary professional activity. A retiree is a person who, due to age, disability or other conditions beyond his or her control no longer holds active employment in the education profession, other than having occasional paid consultancies or teaching on a limited, part-time basis.