Equality of opportunity for all? Accommodations in national assessments in England

Equality of opportunity for all? Accommodations in national assessments in England

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Equality of opportunity for all? Accommodations in national assessments in England

Accommodations (known as access arrangements in England) are changes to the administration of an assessment that increase accessibility by removing construct irrelevant variance. They are intended to ‘,level the playing field’, without changing the construct being assessed or altering the demand of the assessment. Some accommodations, such as test papers in braille or large print, are widely accepted, others, such as the provision of additional time, are more controversial.In contrast to the United States, where research into assessment accommodations is well-established, in England there is very little published research. There are, however, documented procedures for the use of access arrangements in the high stakes national assessments. This presentation will outline the position with regard to national assessments and report on recent projects undertaken into various aspects of these access arrangements in England, including teachers’, perceptions of the validity of the process.

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