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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Malaysian multicultural society is typified by three major ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese and Indians. Education system is the best tool for these three major of ethnic groups will work together. Education is a deliberate attempt to construct human beings who will participate in society as productive citizens. The question whether our education system should be designed or not is quite irrelevant when education, schooling, training, indoctrination, and the spectrum of ways by which the child is ",schooled", are all based on intentional design. Schooling is the most contested terrain in any society, it is a battlefield or a conveyor belt for the creation of human beings. In a multicultural society, who should be entrusted to design schooling? Are those designing our schooling system equipped with the varieties of philosophical perspectives ineducation? ,School in Malaysia have rarely offered an enthusiastic welcome for student differences. However, a multicultural classroom must thrive on these differences and use them as a foundation for growth and development. Differences command work, resolution, openness, and understanding. The main aim of managing multiculturalism in Malaysia is to maintain national integration in which all these various cultural communities could live alongside each other while maintaining their own original identities. Aligned with the globalization era in education, Malaysia faces challenges in creating a new multi-channelled learning environment where international and local students study, connect and work with one another across classrooms,community and country borders in so many exciting ways .Since we have encourage foreign students and workers to come to Malaysia so that the Malaysian Ministry of Education should ,make a recent move to transform the landscape of Malaysian education to fit with the globalization era in education. There is, however, little discussion on outcomes related to diversity initiatives, multicultural programmes and global educational opportunities experienced by the students. This paper reports on a recent study about teachers ‘,awareness about multicultural education and instruction and assessment practice in multicultural classroom in ,Malaysian primary schools.
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