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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Perspectives of stakeholders on the may/june west african senior school certificate examination (WASSCE) electronic registration system in Ghana
The mandate of The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is to determine and conduct examinations in the public interest for English speaking countries in the West African sub-region. The Council is also expected to release results within three months after the last paper to pave way for candidates who write its examinations to continue with their education at the tertiary level. The first step towards the realization of these goals is the registration of prospective candidates. The traditional way of obtaining bio-data and other information from candidates was through manual completion of registration forms. With the continual increase in candidature, there was a transition of the registration process from the use of manual to electronic, which has made it possible for the Council to meet target dates for processing and release of results. The study highlighted the acceptance and use of the electronic registration portal for the May/June West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). It also sought views and perspectives on the system from stakeholders in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses with a view of improving it. The study employed the survey approach and used the purposive and random sampling techniques. Descriptive statistics analysis technique was used for analyzing the data. The findings of the study included a total acceptance of the electronic registration system as an effective means of capturing data of a large number of candidates within a short period. The registration officers’, inability to correct errors after the submission of the data to WAEC was indicated as a weakness of the electronic registration system. It was recommended that the software must be upgraded to be more efficient to ensure easy and fast registration. Adequate and regular training for the personnel involved in the school registration was also suggested.Keywords: Stakeholders, Electronic Registration System, May/June West African Senior SchoolCertificate Examination (WASSCE), Strength, Weakness
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