Secondary analysis of performances in reading literacy from early school grades to university

Secondary analysis of performances in reading literacy from early school grades to university

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Secondary analysis of performances in reading literacy from early school grades to university

The results of the PIRLS and PISA data collection of 2006 were published in December 2007. ,A PIRLS –, probably in every five years –, examines the competences of 4th grade pupils in reading literacy. The PISA Assessment organized by the OECD every three years from 2000 to 2015 analyses the competences of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematics and science literacy. Both programmes provide opportunities for measuring and internationally comparing the improvement of reading skills. The results of the Hungarian 4th grade pupils in PIRLS were among the top ones. Data of the PISA Assessment, however, show that the performances of Hungarian 15-year-olds do not reach the average performances of participating countries. This shows that the competence developed effectively in the first four grades is not strengthened in the upper grades. The effects of this tendency is analysed by a series of research that we have carried out annually since 2005 on the reading skills of first year university students. The data on the performances of these students prove that higher education that has become mass education very quickly since 1991 produces the same problems as the ones reflected in the achievements of the 15- ,year-olds of the PISA assessment.

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