The challenge of meeting sampling and participation rates in international surveys

The challenge of meeting sampling and participation rates in international surveys

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

The challenge of meeting sampling and participation rates in international surveys

The results of the second Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) were published in November 2007. The outcomes of this and other large scale international surveys are used by policy-makers and often receive considerable media attention.In order to ensure that the achieved sample represents the national population as fully as possible, the surveys have very rigorous sampling procedures and demanding response rates. Exclusion rates are also closely monitored and the achieved samples must be approved by the sampling referee before inclusion in the international report.In some countries, schools’, participation in surveys such as PIRLS is obligatory or expected, but in others, including England, achieving the sampling targets presents a major challenge for the national research centres. This presentation will outline the strategies employed by a number of the participating countries in order meet the targets, and the resulting response rates.

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