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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
The QAT (Queensland Assessment Task): Inventive authentic assessment designed to engage early adolescents of all ability levels.
The QAT is the first attempt at common statewide assessment (apart from basic skills testing) in the compulsory years of schooling in Queensland since the ‘,70s.The 2005 QAT for Year 9 students was made up of three standardised assessment tasks in different assessment modes, namely:Task 1 –, interactive, computer-basedTask 2 –, constructed response, paper-based Task 3 –, performance-based. It was designed to be intellectually challenging and have connections to the wide world. The QAT assessed generic skills and dispositions in the area of Transforming ideas and/or information with an emphasis on Processing. To a lesser extent it also assessed Knowledge (facts, concepts and procedures) from the curriculum areas of SOSE (Studies of Society &, the Environment) and The Arts.Authenticity was achieved by supplementing conventional testing with an interactive computer-based approach and a performance task —, with the suite to be administered’, over extended time and close to classroom conditions, to challenge a traditional negative concept and aura of ‘,the test’,. It was a foray into tasking.The computer-based task required students to interact with the computer at all levels: comprehensive stimulus and support materials, access to questions, and provision of responses. The performance-based component of the QAT was not administered as its viability had been established from recent allied research in Queensland. Student results showed a high level of reliability and provided intriguing data on subgroup differences. The paper presentation will include illustrations of the student experience of the computer-based mode of assessment.
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