2nd IAEA Webinar Jongkamp & Dieteren 19 Januari, 2021

On Thursday, December 17, at 13:00 (1:00 pm) GMT, Caroline Jongkamp and Nico Dieteren of Cito presented on the following topic: How to Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills: Theory and Practice for e-assessment Item Type.
The webinar offers an introduction into item and test development for higher order thinking skills. The presenters share their experience in the do’s and don’ts when developing good digital item types and the use of checklists for the selection of good contexts. Participants learn about the main features of item development for higher order thinking skills in combination with the theoretical background of assessing productive skills in realistic contexts. The use of taxonomies for developing items is shown, starting from the well-known classification by Bloom (revised). Participants are introduced to a new framework of item types for e-assessment (Hamer & Jongkamp, 2018). Such a framework could guide item developers when looking for specific item types that can be offered in computer based testing platforms. Finally the presenters elaborate on the ways to link e-assessment item types to the specific objectives of assessing higher order thinking skills.
Download the slides of the presentation here

[double click on the video for full screen]