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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Online formative assessment tools: Initial insights into student engagement with the course as a system
The growing emphasis in higher education on distance, on-line course delivery was a starting point for this investigation. This research study is focused on the online delivery course as a system including: how students make choices about interactions with feedback, formative assessment tools, summative assessment tasks, and course materials, and perceptions of students of their role in learning in online education. The purpose of the research project is to develop, trial and evaluate a framework to be used to evaluate student engagement with online education course, and inform online course design. This paper presents an overview of the first stages of the project including the identification of a theory for framing the investigation and ultimate development of a framework (Activity Systems Analysis), a brief review of literature, and the discussion of pilot data gathered in a new, on-line distance Bachelor of Education course at a regional Queensland university. Initial findings include that students’, engagement with the formative assessment tools embedded in the course design is mediated by perceptions of their role and the roles of others in the course. ,Keywords: online learning, formative assessment, activity theory