Anatomical Sciences Education
Manuscript proposals are currently being accepted for Anatomical Sciences Education’s (ASE) special issue on psychometrics. Psychometrics is the critical analysis of assessment instruments and psychological scales/inventories. The discipline of psychometrics is based in measurement theory and often entails evaluating the reliability and validity evidence of instrumental data.
Manuscript proposals for this ASE special issue may be in any of the following formats, with priority given to RESEARCH REPORTS and RELEVANT REVIEWS:
• Research Report
• Descriptive Article
• Relevant Review
• Short Communication
• Viewpoint Commentary
• Editorial
Research reports should investigate an educational/psychological measurement topic related to health sciences education and apply either classical test theory or item response theory to understand the instrument’s psychometric properties, how it should be implemented, and/or the latent constructs it is purported to measure. For an example, see “Using generalizability analysis to estimate parameters for anatomy assessments: A multi-institutional study”.
Relevant reviews, in the form of systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses, should focus on summarizing and comparing the reliability and validity evidence of existing scales/instruments commonly employed in health sciences education practice or research. For an example, see “Identifying validity evidence for uncertainty tolerance scales: A systematic review”. Examples of relevant review topics include, but are not limited to:
• Cognitive load scales
• Simulator sickness questionnaires
• Metacognition inventories
• Motivation inventories
• Imposter syndrome scales
• Neurophobia scales
• Anxiety scales
• Learning and study strategy inventories
• Etc.
Proposal Submission Requirements
Manuscript proposals are due by June 1, 2023. Proposals will be reviewed and considered for acceptance on a rolling basis, in order of their submission. A total of 18-20 manuscripts will be accepted for consideration in the special issue. All submitted manuscripts will undergo the typical peer review process at ASE.
While acceptance of a manuscript proposal does not guarantee acceptance of the final manuscript for publication, it does guarantee direct access to the guest editor for project and manuscript coaching, as needed.
Your manuscript proposal should be 500 words or less and should include the following information:
• Manuscript title
• Guiding research question(s)
• Clear statement of how your study will make a significant contribution to the literature
• If submitting a research proposal, submit a brief description of the sample population and planed methodological approach. If submitting a relevant review proposal, indicate the names of all scales/inventories that will be summarized and directly compared. If you have never conducted a systematic review or meta-analysis but wish to learn how, please contact the special issue guest editor for a discussion and coaching.
• Indication you will be able to complete the project WITHIN 15 MONTHS by September 30, 2024, the submission due date for special issue manuscripts. Justification may include information about the size of your research team and a general timeline of key manuscript milestones.
Submit your manuscript proposal(s) via the following link:
Please direct any inquiries to the special issue guest editor:
Adam Wilson, PhD
Associate Editor, Anatomical Sciences Education
Associate Professor, Director of Anatomy Education
Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology
Rush University
Armour Academic Center, Suite 505A
600 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612
Office: 312-942-5903 |