A Comparison of Quality Management approaches for the Training and Vocational Sector in Seven Countries

A Comparison of Quality Management approaches for the Training and Vocational Sector in Seven Countries

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

A Comparison of Quality Management approaches for the Training and Vocational Sector in Seven Countries

Many countries in the Asia Pacific region are currently developing or upgrading their vocational education and training systems and many of these will be implementing quality systems. However, quality assurance in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is often not well understood by policy makers, administrators and senior officials. As a preliminary step to an in-depth analysis, a small study was commissioned by the ILO Asia Pacific Regional Office of different ways that TVET quality is managed in different countries. It was hoped that this would provide an easy reference for countries wishing to ,introduce and/or review quality management approaches in the TVET sector.This paper provides a description of various approaches to TVET quality assurance in the following countries: Australia, Bahrain, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka andThe Philippines. The systems are categorized according to their key features and paper also includes a description of the different ways that TVET Quality Assurance is managed at thenational, regional (state or provincial) and institutional levels, an analysis and review of data from the ILO study and suggests possible issues related to the suitability of the various systems for countries at different stages of development. It identifies how quality assurance can be applied to workplace learning in different systems and it provides a series of recommendations relating to the development and implementation of quality managementsystems in the TVET context.

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