Achievements and Attitudes in the Learning and Teaching of Mother Tongue and Mathematics in Grades 4 and 9 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Achievements and Attitudes in the Learning and Teaching of Mother Tongue and Mathematics in Grades 4 and 9 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Achievements and Attitudes in the Learning and Teaching of Mother Tongue and Mathematics in Grades 4 and 9 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijan National Assessment Study (ANAS) was planned as part of the second stage of the Azerbaijan Education Reform Project. It was carried out by Cito, the Dutch Institute for Educational Measurement together with local consultants and in close cooperation with the Student Assessment Unit in the Ministry of Education. The ANAS study has surveyed the performance of a representative sample of grade 4 and grade 9 students in general schools in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Their performance was measured in two subjects: Language and Literature (of the Azeri language) and Math in a number of representative content areas (reporting units). Apart from performance data on tests in these two subjects, background data were collected through questionnaires. These were distributed among students and teachers.The ANAS study has researched the results on the tests, the answers given to the questions in the questionnaire and it has studied the possible relationship between student performance and background variables. The presentation reports on the findings, discusses some of these in more detail and makes some recommendations in certain areas.

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