Activities of the “Abiturient” journal

Activities of the “Abiturient” journal

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Activities of the “Abiturient” journal

The mission of the “,Abiturient”, journal, which was founded in 1995 year, includes provision of scientific and methodological and information services related to preparation for admission examinations, content, methodological aspects, organization, technology, progress and results of examinations to the society as a whole, and university applicants, senior pupils and education professionals in particular.The SSAC attaches a special importance to transparency of the examination process, and for this purpose uses the capacity of the “,Abiturient”, journal along with other means. Thus the journal serves for the society as a source of comprehensive, exact and reliable information on progress of the admission campaign, its directions and stages.The main topical directions of the journal are 1) Official documentation of the SSAC, 2) Scientific and methodological materials, 3) Materials on specilty (professional) directions, 4) Materials related to the technology of examinations, 5) Scientific and statistical analysis and propogation of innovative experience, 6) Information and announcements on current activities of the SSAC.The journal periodically provide to the public and most particularly to the applicants to various levels of universities and technical schools such official documents of the SSAC as Admission Regulations, announcements, news, examination results, and etc. The SSAC attaches a special importance to provision of assisstance to young people preparing for admission examinations. The list of materials published in various regular and special issues of the journal in this direction are as follows:·, Programs of admission examinations for diffrent subjects,·, Tools and expert comments related to preparation for admission examinations,·, Methodological instructions and reccomendations,·, Sample tests,·, Tools for assessment of pupils’, knowledge (electronic and paper versions),·, Programs of specific skill examinations and methodological instructions,·, Advices of psychologist. Every year a special issue of the “,Abiturient”, is dedicated to the admission to specialties demanding specific skills. Here are included regulations for administering specific skill examinations, content of these examinations, program requirements, assessment criterias, recommendations and etc.The journal uses its information and education capacity to assist young people in selection of specialty and professional directions. The materials provided with this purpose are·, Information on pass scores set for admission to various specialties of higher schools,·, Electronic and paper versions of materials presenting information about public and private higher schools in the country,·, Comments on nature of higher education specialties and demand for them,·, Information on education opportunities abroad and materials about experiences of leading scientific and educational centers of the world in preparation of specialists in various areas. The better the applicants aware of technology of examinations, regulations and rights and obligations of themselves, the more free and comfortable they feel in the examination process, avoid mental stress, technical mistakes and loss of time, and thus optimally demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned factors, the SSAC publishes the “,applicant’,s guide”, providing clear explaination of rules of behaviour during examination campaign.The SSAC, based on the results of admission examinations, holds scientific and statistical analysis of the status of general education in the country, and makes these materials available for the society. At the same time, such specialized analytical materials like “,Gender aspects of the admission examinations”, and “,Statistics on oil-related specialties”, are published as parts of the overal material. Brochures reflecting indicators of alumni of each district are also published and sent to appropriate educational departments.The editorial staff of the journal closely watches and covers the events, important news, international relations and other important activities taken place as a part of current functioning of the SSAC. The summary of annual activities of the SSAC is published and presented to the society under the title “,chronology of facts”, at the end of each year.

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