An International Comparison of Biology Tasks in State-Wide Exit Examinations

An International Comparison of Biology Tasks in State-Wide Exit Examinations

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

An International Comparison of Biology Tasks in State-Wide Exit Examinations

Most OECD-countries have installed state-wide exit examinations at the end of upper secondary education (ISCED 3A). These examinations are assumed to set standards for learning outputs, and thus secure comparable results and educational quality. However, only little is known about the effects of state-wide examinations, for instance how uniform standards affect different dimensions of examination questions. Against this background, the project aims to analyze differences and similarities in how requirements and biology tasks used in both state-wide exit examinations and the preceding classroom are related in six high- and low-performing OECD-countries with different political and cultural backgrounds. Focusing structure- and content-related dimensions by using a concept-oriented rating manual, the project shall disclose the general examination practice as well as trends concerning structure and content of the tasks and identify deviations from the examination standards. The results shall show whether the tasks used in the examinations are “,tasks worth teaching ,to”,, and whether they do have the assumed backwash effect on the tasks in classroom assessment. By identifying good practice and elements that are especially well suited to affect classroom practice, the ,results of the study can also practically contribute to the development of biology tasks designed to ,improve biology instruction.

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