Assessing the level of state language proficiency of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan by testing method

Assessing the level of state language proficiency of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan by testing method

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Assessing the level of state language proficiency of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan by testing method

In multinational and independent Kazakhstan according to official figures there are more than 130 nationalities. The status of state language in the country has been defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “,On languages in RK”, [1].In state institutions and local authorities along with the state language Russian language is used [2]. A widespread use of Russian language in Kazakhstan is due to the historical situation when the indigenous Kazakh land in the XVIII century were adjoined to the Russian Empire. In all respects of human life Russian was a language tool of higher priority. With the acquisition of Kazakhstan',s independence in 1991 the country passed a law defining the status of state language. The language situation in the country today is composed as follows: a Soviet Union generation used Russian language, and a new generation, which began a conscious life activity in independent Kazakhstan, uses both languages in speech.Every 10 years the State program of development and functioning of languages is developed and approved by the state in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To date, the State Program for the development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 [3] is worked out, where one of the target indicators is to increase the proportion of the adult population whose spoken language is the state language. All over the country, a network of regional centers is functioning in order to teach state language free. Accordingly, we assume Kazakh knowledge of Kazakhstani citizens and foreigners working in the legal, economic, scientific, social and other areas in the state at the appropriate level and in accordance with the qualifying requirements.

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