Assessment of annual performance evaluation report of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) as a tool for reforming civil service system in Nigeria

Assessment of annual performance evaluation report of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) as a tool for reforming civil service system in Nigeria

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  • Create Date October 27, 2019
  • Last Updated October 27, 2019

Assessment of annual performance evaluation report of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) as a tool for reforming civil service system in Nigeria

Performance assessment of civil servants plays a vital role in the implementation of employee promotion policy of the Federal government of Nigeria. One of the most fundamental features of any human resource management that is relevant to individual and organizational growth is performance appraisal. In order to enhance the performance of civil officers, the Nigerian government introduced the Annual Performance Evaluation Report (APER) which serves as the basis for regular evaluation of the performance of the civil servants. The main objective of the APER is to give feedback to the employee on ways to improve subsequent performance, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency in an organization’s performance. Despite its significance, there seems to be inherent subjectivity that is associated with its implementation. For instance, the appraisal ratings are sometimes inflated to favour certain employees while others are not properly rated. This study investigated the extent to which the NABTEB APER correlates with employees’ promotion examination. The objective of the study was to obtain formative data that could be used for policy-oriented review of staff assessments. One research question was answered and two hypotheses tested. The study adopted a survey research design employing the quantitative approach. The population comprised all employees of NABTEB in the Senior Cadre. One hundred and eighty-two employees of Senior cadres were used. Three instruments were used: NABTEB Employees’ APER Score Sheets, Promotion Score Sheets and Questionnaire on Employees Perception (Cronbach Alpha = 0.82). Data were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and t-test. The findings revealed that NABTEB APER is not a strong predictor of promotion examination score. The study also revealed that on the average, the employees perceived the APER form as being objective. It was therefore recommended that similar studies should be replicated in other establishments for a more embracing reform of the civil service system.

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