Beyond comparisons: is there more to international benchmarking tests than comparisons between countries?

Beyond comparisons: is there more to international benchmarking tests than comparisons between countries?

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Beyond comparisons: is there more to international benchmarking tests than comparisons between countries?

The IEB provides the key school-leaving examination for independent schools that register with it for that purpose. In addition, the IEB provides assessment at other levels in the schooling system. One of these services is the offering of International Benchmarking Tests in partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The tests are run in English and Mathematics from Year 3 to Year 10 and in Science from Year 3 to Year 8.The key purpose for the project is the improvement of teaching and learning in participating schools. The IEB has been involved from 2007. In 2010 the first cohort ,of learners who wrote the assessments in Grade 9, wrote their final NSC examinations. In this paper I will report on the initial explorative study of the IEB into the correlation between performance in the Year 9 International Benchmarking Tests and their performance in the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate examination.The analysis of the data has been done by Dr Helen Sidiropoulos, an assessment ,specialist at the IEB.

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