Big data and assessment: implications for student learning, assessment, and research in Nigeria universities.

Big data and assessment: implications for student learning, assessment, and research in Nigeria universities.

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  • Create Date October 8, 2020
  • Last Updated October 8, 2020

Big data and assessment: implications for student learning, assessment, and research in Nigeria universities.

This study look at Big Data in educational assessment: implications for students learning, assessment and research in Nigeria Universities. It explored the implications of big data in education, with emphasis on data generated by university students. writing  was chosen because it presents particular complexities, highlighting the range of processes for collecting and interpreting evidence of learning in the era of computer mediated instruction and assessment as well as the challenges. Writing is significant not only because it is central to the core subject area of literacy; it is also an ideal medium for the representation of deep disciplinary knowledge across a number of subject areas. Emerging sources of evidence of learning that separately and together have the potential to generate unprecedented amounts of data: machine assessments, structured data embedded in learning, and unstructured data collected incidental to learning activity were discussed. The significant implications of the emerging sources of evidence of learning for traditional relationships between assessment and instruction were also discussed. Finally, the paper discussed implications for practice in an emerging field of education data science in Nigeria Universities, including publication of data, data standards, and research ethics.

Keywords: Big Data, Assessment, Research Methods, Research Ethics, Nigeria Universities.

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