Collaborative Assessment: New Digital Assessment Approaches

Collaborative Assessment: New Digital Assessment Approaches

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Collaborative Assessment: New Digital Assessment Approaches

There is growing interest in the education community around the assessment of complex ,cognitive skills. The Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S) projectundertook foundational research into the definitional, methodological and technical, and policyissues of such assessment, with two of the authors being active participants. The work supportedOECD’,s PISA international assessment of schools to include an element of CollaborativeAssessment in the 2015 survey. Governments around the world have shown interest in how theycan implement such assessment in locally relevant curriculum contexts.  ,The purpose of this paper is to present the background and implementation model of a globalalliance of countries and organizations that are working collaboratively to create highly relevantand localized collaborative assessment tasks, while at the same time sharing these tasks to createa global repository of collaborative assessment designs and models. This work extends theresearch foundation and outcomes of the ATC21S through a targeted approach to building localcapacity in designing and creating effective and efficient digital collaborative assessment tasks.Linked to the methodological and technical capacity building in each country, is buildingexperience on the implementation of such assessment tasks in classrooms by teachers, and thenecessary professional development required.  ,Practical examples of the collaborative tasks will be demonstrated to help participants gain anunderstanding of the process and outcomes being used to scale access to collaborativeassessment tasks for schools in participating countries.  ,

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