Creating the Military eLearning Culture: Evaluating Assessment Techniques

Creating the Military eLearning Culture: Evaluating Assessment Techniques

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  • Create Date July 19, 2018
  • Last Updated July 19, 2018

Creating the Military eLearning Culture: Evaluating Assessment Techniques

The Ministry of Defence, in partnership with BT, has implemented a collection of web-based services that support distributed eLearning across the whole of Defence. The service, the largest of its kind in Europe, is known as the Defence Learning Portal and has a potential user base of 300,000.

This revolution in distributed learning drives the requirement for a change in assessment. This paper evaluated a British Army eLearning package, Military Knowledge 2, and its forms of assessment. The package employs on-demand assessment using formative and summative assessment techniques. At present multiple choice and open-ended questions are the main form of eAssessment. In most cases, a question refers to a particular Lesson, but there are also some questions that encompass a whole section. These questions are more complex and attract a higher score.

eLearning is new to the British Military and encompasses a cultural shift as well as a technological change. This paper explores the assessment techniques employed and how these can be improved with the emerging technology and its implication for the whole of Defence. The evaluation is also considered against the cultural change required to make Military Knowledge 2 an effective learning and assessment tool in the British Army.

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