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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Development and use of multiple choice items as instrument for Science performance measure for large class sizes.
“,Education for All”, and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals have placed pressure oncarrying capacity of Nigeria’,s educational system, resulting in significant increase in the number ofchildren in her educational system. This led to very large class sizes and the inherent challenge ofensuring that the learning goals and quality of education are sustained. Provision of fair assessment withtimely feedback for students is a difficult task with science laboratory classes, hence, the use ofsubjective assessment. This study sought to develop and use multiple choice items as new instrument forscience performance measure for large classes with a view of automating the process if the results areworthwhile. Biology (a natural science) and Physics (an applied science) were used for this study. Firstyear students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike offering 100 level courses inBiology and Physics Laboratory courses of the University’,s College of Natural and Applied Science arethe population while the sample consists of the 100 level students of College of Agricultural and ScienceEducation offering the required laboratory courses. The practical work for the identified courses will besimultaneously assessed by the College subjective mode of assessment while the researchers will alsoassess the same courses using the developed multiple choice items targeting goals of the subjectiveassessment measure. The content validity of the test items were determined with test blue prints whilethe reliability of 0.81 was established using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. SPSS 21was used to carry out the data analysis. Pearson product moment correlation was used to determine thecoefficient of correlation between the laboratory subjective examination scores and the multiple choicescores and paired t-test was used to test mean differences. Results showed a significant coefficient ofcorrelation and a significant different between the means as revealed by the t-test result. Since there wasa significant correlation coefficient the process involved will be proffered for adoption andimplementation to the university and other institutions challenged by the assessment of practical work oflarge classes.]Keywords: fair assessment, science laboratory classes, large class sizes, multiple choice items,Biology practical, physics practical, new performance measure, automation.
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