Development of Science Test Items

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Development of Science Test Items

IPST has responsible for improving quality of teaching and learning in Science, Mathematics and Technology, emphasis on K-12 levels. To achieve this objective, Standard andAssessment Department has been working on a standard achievement test. The purpose of this project is to design and develop test items for measuring mathematical content knowledge and skills. This paper presents the process of item development and some examples of modified items. The items cover 8 content areas of the Thai Basic EducationCurriculum: Living Things and Processes of Life, Life and the Environment, Substances and Properties of Substances, Forces and Motion, Energy, Change Process of the Earth,Astronomy and Space, and Nature of Science and Technology. The process consists of (1) setting an assessment framework, (2) constructing items (3) reviewing items, and(4) conducting two rounds of try-out with sample groups. After try-out processes, the item analysis is conducted to determine quality of the items, and provide feedback formodification. Item difficulty indices and item discrimination indices are considered when selecting to the item bank. Results also indicate what knowledge and skills students could not ,achieve and need more understanding.

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