Developments since 2000 concerning computer based and computer assisted National Examinations for Dutch secondary education – a report

Developments since 2000 concerning computer based and computer assisted National Examinations for Dutch secondary education – a report

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Developments since 2000 concerning computer based and computer assisted National Examinations for Dutch secondary education - a report

Annually, at the end of secondary education, some 200,000 students in 700 schools take part in the national examinations in The Netherlands. Each year, Cito, the Dutch National Institute for Educational Measurement, designs more than 500 different tests for all subjects of the various types of ,education. In most cases the questions are presented to students on paper. However, more and more opportunities arise to administer examinations by computer instead of on paper. Schools are acquiring adequate ICT infrastructure and related knowledge to use this. Computers play an increasingly important role in education. And outside the schools as well, students are making use of ICT and computers in a growing number of situations. This paper will focus on the use of computer based testing (CBT)1 in the national examinations insecondary education in The Netherlands (in 2009 about 17% of all examinations growing to about 37% in 2011), the goals, the conceptual framing and the process of introduction. Essential part of the introduction is the acceptance of the innovation by students, teachers and principals. Results will be ,presented.

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