Effect of peer- assessment strategy on senior secondary school students’ achievement in agricultural science in Imo State

Effect of peer- assessment strategy on senior secondary school students’ achievement in agricultural science in Imo State

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  • Create Date October 28, 2019
  • Last Updated October 28, 2019

Effect of peer- assessment strategy on senior secondary school students’ achievement in agricultural science in Imo State

This study focused on the effect of Peer- Assessment Strategy on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Agricultural Science using cooperative learning strategy in Imo State. Two research questions were raised and answered and two null hypotheses were formulated for the study. Quasi experimental, non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was adopted in this study. The population of the study comprised 3, 022 senior secondary class two (SSII) students from 18 public senior secondary schools in Okigwe education zone of Imo State. A sample of 96 Agricultural Science students got by purposive sampling technique from two selected secondary schools. It comprised of 26 male and 23 female assigned to experimental group and 25 male and 22 female assigned to control group. Two intact classes were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was Agricultural Science Achievement Test (ASAT). The instrument was subjected to face and content validation by three research experts had reliability index of 0.78 obtained using Kuder-Richardson K-R20. The data collected were analysed using the mean and standard deviation and Analysis of Covariance. Findings revealed that Agricultural Science students taught with cooperative learning strategy and exposed with Peer-Assessment Strategy achieved better than students taught with cooperative learning strategy and exposed with traditional method of assessment. That there was a significant difference in the mean achievement of students taught Agricultural Science using cooperative learning strategy with peer assessment strategy and students’ taught Agricultural Science using cooperative learning strategy with traditional method of assessment, that there is no significant difference between male and female students taught Agricultural Science using cooperative learning strategy with peer assessment strategy. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that Agricultural Science teachers should be encouraged to adopt Peer-Assessment as Strategy in their teaching assessment to improve students’ academic achievement in Agricultural Science.

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