Externally moderated school-based assessment in Queensland: lessons for implementing an Australian curriculum

Externally moderated school-based assessment in Queensland: lessons for implementing an Australian curriculum

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Externally moderated school-based assessment in Queensland: lessons for implementing an Australian curriculum

In Queensland, senior secondary teachers are responsible for designing assessment programs ,and making judgments about the standards achieved by their students. These judgments are ,based on evidence that must stand up to external scrutiny. Queensland’,s moderation process ,supported by professional training provided by the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA), ,enhances teachers’, capacity to make comparable judgments about the quality of student work. ,From 2013, an Australian curriculum in senior secondary English, Mathematics, Science and ,History will be introduced with content outlined and achievement standards described in ,terms of the qualities of learning expected each year. Queensland senior secondary school ,teachers already have some experience in this and will be looking for evidence in folios of ,student work matched against standard descriptors over five levels to make judgments about ,student achievement.This presentation will examine the relationship between the theory that has informed the ,practice of externally moderated school-based assessment in Queensland and the practicalapplication of this in the development of classroom assessment practices for an Australian ,curriculum across P-12. This will be explored through annotated student responses to ,assessment instruments using current standards descriptors in Queensland senior syllabuses ,for English, Mathematics, Science and History.

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