Harnessing technology to create more holistic assessment and reporting of candidate performance

Harnessing technology to create more holistic assessment and reporting of candidate performance

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Harnessing technology to create more holistic assessment and reporting of candidate performance

This paper examines the role of digital media in holistic assessment: their contribution to processes and procedures and potential to enhance deep learning and attainment by allowing us to capture, record and analyse data flexibly and quickly. The assessment of knowledge, skills, understanding and performance and the validation of achievement through qualifications is essential for accountability and quality assurance. However, much unhelpful discussion focuses on the schism between assessment for learning: a constructive and positive support mechanism, and assessment of learning: used by government mainly to measure return on investment.Digital media offer a way for these high stakes prepositions (for and of) to become interchangeable so that learning, performance, assessment and validation become a benign continuum that merges objective measurement with constructive process.By digital media I mean the full range of digital information processing technologies such as cameras, laptops, PCs and mobile devices that work with digital codes and can create, decode and distribute digital content including audio and video.

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