Institutional factors as determinants of achievement of curriculum goals among student midwives in South-West Nigeria.

Institutional factors as determinants of achievement of curriculum goals among student midwives in South-West Nigeria.

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  • Create Date October 8, 2020
  • Last Updated October 8, 2020

Institutional factors as determinants of achievement of curriculum goals among student midwives in South-West Nigeria.

The guiding principle of education in Nigeria is to equip every learner with relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. This is to derive maximum benefits from any academic programme, to lead a fulfilling life and contribute to the development and welfare of the community.  One of the strategic objectives of the Nigeria Vision 20:2020,  is to improve the nation’s prospects for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and creating employment in a sustainable manner. In order to achieve this long-term broad objectives, one of the challenges is for the nation to raise the quality and standard of education to international comparative levels. The quality of educational inputs or variables will determine the quality of the outcome variables. Evaluation is necessary to determine whether the individual learner, teacher and the institution are measuring up to the standards of setting up the educational institutions. (Federal Ministry of Education,2009). There are enabling inputs that ought to be imputed into any programme of education that aims at quality.  The inputs include curriculum content, learning environment, teachers, infrastructure, learning materials, etc. They determine the success of an educational programme.  Moronkola (2004) opined that the issue of evaluation of learning outcomes must be taken seriously since the learners' outcomes in subject(s) or course(s) offered in educational institutions will determine the quantity and quality of future manpower of a nation.

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