Instruction and assessment in multicultural contexts – A Case Study of 14 years as a Teacher and Examiner in a multicultural International School.

Instruction and assessment in multicultural contexts – A Case Study of 14 years as a Teacher and Examiner in a multicultural International School.

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Instruction and assessment in multicultural contexts – A Case Study of 14 years as a Teacher and Examiner in a multicultural International School.

Instructing students and assessing their work involves teacher assessment, in so far as student-centeredness is concerned. What are instructions, their purposes and objectives in amulticultural context? How do these affect assessment and how can these be quantified in qualitative ways, without compromising effective standards of education? Can these affect testing and examination results etc.? This Paper revisits and examines the case of instruction andassessment, as a teacher of IGCSE and Advanced Levels in a reputed International School of over 1500 students from over 55 nationalities. The purpose of this analysis is to encourage us, as educators, to be effective, meaningful, and careful in our choices and higher achievers with little hassle. We can plan thoroughly, economise time and yet be most productive to the envy of the rest of the world, by wisely instructing and assessing our students in an ever-acceleratingtechnological era. This leads to the production of thinking, reasoning and logical workforce and a ,healthy society.

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