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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
We have moved beyond a time when simple multiple choice exams are sophisticated enough to assess the complex knowledge we expect of students in today',s world. At the same time, we have moved beyond the scale at which individualized assessments, like oral, essay, or performance exams, are efficient enough to be utilized. We must develop an efficient, objective assessment method which is complex and robust enough to assess knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in our modern world. This design proposal for an interactive scenario-based assessment system (ISBAS) aims to address these concerns. The system is designed to allow students to troubleshoot complex scenarios, ask diagnostic questions, and make diagnoses all through an interactive web-based interface. Students receive feedback each step of the way, aiding them in navigating through a decision tree to solve the problem at hand. The choices that the student makes are automatically scored based on predetermined, objective values used to assign a grade or proficiency level. This proposed system is efficient, flexible, objective, and able to encompass the complexities of complex knowledge and skills. A functioning demonstration of the proposed system will be presented along with usability and preliminary pilot testing results.
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