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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Is it valid to treat assessment grades from different subjects the same?
Some say that it is meaningless to compare standards in different subjects to each other. Butwhat if those standards are actually different but become a common currency so that, forexample, a grade A in mathematics is treated in the same way as a grade A in geography? Isthat interpretation and use of the grades valid?Ofqual is trying to understand better how different jurisdictions deal with comparabilitybetween subjects in assessments used for university entrance. England is unusual in that preuniversitystudents have an almost free choice of subjects and take few subjects in total –,typically just three. In jurisdictions where the curriculum is constrained or where all thosecompeting for the same university places take a very similar assessment, comparabilitybetween subjects may be of little interest. There are though some jurisdictions where there ismore curriculum choice and where an important feature of their university entrance systemsare statistical adjustments to subject outcomes even though these may be controversial.This paper explores how different jurisdictions make or do not make adjustments to gradesacross subjects. The session at the conference is intended to provide an opportunity for thosefrom different countries to share their knowledge and experiences in this area.Keywords: assessment, subjects, scaling, standards comparability, university entrance
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