Making learning real through scenario study

Making learning real through scenario study

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Making learning real through scenario study

In 2013, the Humanities Department in Nanyang Girls’,s High School introduced the use of scenario-based case study as a way to assess the students’, understanding of issues taught in Integrated Humanities (IH). In line with the Curriculum 2015 outcomes, this scenario-based case study provides a platform for authentic and collaborative learning.Students are involved in looking at policies or events from the past and/or present to glean lessons for future scenarios. It also allows them to apply their critical and creative thinking skills while deepening their learning through real-world tasks. Students identify challenges, consider and evaluate solutions related to IH case studies. They are expected to be flexible by exploring issues from different perspectives as they question beliefs, attitudes, values and assumptions.Students are assessed on their ability to construct an explanation, justification, rationale or substantiation that is accurate and considers complexities. Where relevant, they consider other points of view and weigh their decisions.Keywords: authentic learning, levels marking, multiple perspectives, scenario study

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