National system of testing, experience and achievements. Role of an estimation of knowledge in increase of a level of preparation of teachers (Biology)

National system of testing, experience and achievements. Role of an estimation of knowledge in increase of a level of preparation of teachers (Biology)

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

National system of testing, experience and achievements. Role of an estimation of knowledge in increase of a level of preparation of teachers (Biology)

Testing for admission examinations in HIGH SCHOOLS in Azerbaijan was begun since 1992. Per 1992-1994 in system of test tasks for IV group (medicine, biology, an agriculture and chemistry) the share of questions in biology made 15 of 120. In the further the number of questions has been increased up to 30, at factor (3). The first years the great bulk of questions concerned to factology, and only a little bit to settlement test tasks. The most unsuccessful system of drawing up of test tasks in biology has appeared 1993. Complication of test tasks by authors has been understood in their own way: that year it was thought up erroneous (first of all from the point of view of psychology) system of questions when one test task included simultaneously from 3д,о, 5 independent questions demanding very long and vast answers. As a result such test tasks included more than 30 lines with answers. The entrant, reading the third answer, (forgot) did not remember, about what there was a speech in the first answer. And it in spite of the fact that has been proved by psychologists: the person starts to forget about that is written in the first line, starting to read the thirteenth line. In 1994 we managed to get rid of such practice of drawing up of test tasks. Since 1995, the basic attention began to be given questions on logic both to extensive and deep generalizations within the limits of the school program. In the further the preference has been rendered to settlement tests (up to 10 questions), to tests for generalization (up to 15 questions), an explanation, the forecast and offered activity. The share of factology has been reduced up to 5 questions. Terminological test tasks stably have been presented only by one test task. In the further factors of answers in biology (2) and in connection with introduction of the additional block on the mathematician(mathematics) in IV group have been changed, the number of settlement test tasks has been reduced up to 6. In previous years the basic attention was given interdark and intersubject communications(connections) as profile preparation of entrants was usually limited only by 4 subjects, and on other school subjects they did not turn attention: therefore the preference was given questions on adjacent branches of science –, biogeography, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Biology-history, Psychology, etc. last years the share of prognosis test tasks and the tasks connected with an explanation has sharply increased. After a trip to the USA (Princeton) in February, 2006 and acquaintances to an operational experience of American test commissions ETS and SА,Т, the share of factology in test tasks again has been changed and now at examinations on factology test tasks cannot be more than 4 (from 0 up to 4) and in the subsequent with a writing(spelling) of new textbooks is planned to reduce their quantity(amount) to zero. The basic merit of national testing is connected with leaving(care) from з,а,з,у,б,р,и,в,а,н,и,я, huge badly systematized become outdated(out-of-date) and sometimes scientifically-is wrong systematized material. Т,е,sting has a specific goal and it is directed on examination, skills and abilities of entrants. Preparation of the pedagogical staff includes two levels: preparation of the pedagogical staff for scientific testing and preparation of school teachers on corresponding branches of knowledge. Preparation of the pedagogical staff for drawing up of test tasks: is one of the major components of the organization of scientific objective testing as before to learn to define a level of knowledge of entrants or schoolboys, it is necessary that first of all authors of test tasks possessed a sufficient level of regular knowledge on corresponding area of biology: were able precisely and laconically, in clear language for entrants to formulate questions of test tasks. Thus they should consider for each task its purpose, problems, as what skills of the entrant this test task come to light. Unfortunately it is a very difficult process demanding long preparation, wide experience and good knowledge at once two languages on which test tasks (Azerbaijan and Russian) are made. To solve this problem we have developed training seminars on drawing up of test tasks and scientifically-methodical seminars on which scientific aspects of testing and a problem of didactics are discussed. The special attention after the lead trainings in the USA (February, 2006) is given now to correct selection of distracts. That a sin to conceal, earlier in most cases composers of test tasks gave the basic attention to drawing up of a question and a right answer, as if to wrong answers (distracts) that on them especially attention did not turn, and sometimes the most part of distracts carried any, not thought over, formal and sometimes absurd character. Besides we make specialized advice (councils): chemical groups, physical groups, separately biological divisions: botany, zoology, anatomy, the general biology. The special attention now is given philological examination and problems of an ambiguity when one question can have absolutely other sense and an orientation. Paramount task of an education system rise of a level of knowledge and a level of teaching of biology in high school in a view of sharp strengthening propagation of pseudo-religious sense. If still transfers connected with Moslem doctrine: an Islam and the Koran try to find things in common of a science and religion it you will not tell about transfers and publications of other faiths which try to challenge primitive propaganda achievements of a biological science.

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