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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Optional subjects in the Matura exam: Are candidates who select science subjects higher achievers?
External Matura examination at the end of Upper Secondary Education (USE), upgraded with Slovene school performance feedback system (SPFS) - the Assessment of/for Learning Analytic (ALA) Tool, gives new applicability to Matura results for evaluation of the school system. Each candidate attends five units: compulsory mother tongue, maths and foreign language as well as two optional subjects. ALA Tool makes it possible to analyse students', selection of different optional subjects and compare grades in one subject with overall achievement. Some research questions can be posed. Are candidates who selected science optional subjects higher achievers in the USE prior to the Matura? Are they higher overall achievers in the five subject Matura exam? The comparison between grades distribution of candidates who selected science optional subjects and those who selected social sciences subjects will be presented. Trend analysis of overall achievement of candidates with science optional subjects and those with social sciences optional subjects, from years 2002 up to 2008, will be carried out. Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW) U-test and the area above/below the Ordinal Domninance (OD) Graphs will be used as a measure of the difference (discrimination) between two distributions.
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