Philosophy of transition from traditional school to modern one and new assessment policy

Philosophy of transition from traditional school to modern one and new assessment policy

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  • Create Date October 28, 2019
  • Last Updated October 28, 2019

Philosophy of transition from traditional school to modern one and new assessment policy

Today, the role of knowledge in society is rapidly increasing. The economy of the 21st century is knowledge-based economy. Knowledge, new ideas, human capital, highly skilled and experienced professionals play significant role on sustainable development of each country. It is important to pay more attention to the initial stages of education for preparation of such professionals. Traditional schools are not able to solve growing necessary issues now, they must be ready to react new challenges adequately. The article analyzes the history of how the traditional school has taken its way to the "modern school", as well as the role of the "School Improvement" concept in transition to modern school, and new assessment policy in education system. Today's school (these words, first and foremost, relate to our reality) doesn’t imply the realization of the individual's creative potential by its organizational structure and method. It implies elimination of individual differences among students. The new era dictates us that the future destiny of a student is being determined in elementary school now. In spite of all these, one of the main questions we are still facing is: How do we want to see future generations? In order to answer this question, the paradigms occur during the transformation of education from the industrial society to the post-modern society were also analyzed. We came to a conclusion that modern teaching should serve not only to recall a set of facts, but also to gain skills that enable a person to acquire the necessary knowledge. To this end, the teaching methods should be improved and content should be modernized. All these changes should realistically allow individuals to think about upbringing and realize their personal qualities. The article also covers the analysis of the key aspects of adaptation of assessment policy implemented in the admission exams in Azerbaijan to our national peculiarity.

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