Please, sir, may I have some more? – the under utilisation of school-based assessment in the National Senior Certificate in South Africa

Please, sir, may I have some more? – the under utilisation of school-based assessment in the National Senior Certificate in South Africa

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Please, sir, may I have some more? - the under utilisation of school-based assessment in the National Senior Certificate in South Africa

School-based assessment (SBA) forms 25% of a candidate’,s final result in each subject of the National Senior Certificate, the main end-of-school examination. The IEB has spent and continues to spend a lot of time andresources on building the capacity of teachers to develop reliable and valid SBA. Furthermore there are fairly robust systems in place for verification and moderation purposes.This paper describes the SBA component. There is a discussion of some of the problems in implementation and weaknesses in the system.Some tentative conclusions are drawn in respect of possible weaknessesin the system and options for addressing these to improve the reliability and validity of the SBA. Finally the paper explores additional opportunities to extend the possible purposes for which the SBA could be ,used.

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