Promoting Assessment as a Tool for Effective and Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Special Education at Primary School Level

Promoting Assessment as a Tool for Effective and Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Special Education at Primary School Level

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  • Create Date October 28, 2019
  • Last Updated October 28, 2019

Promoting Assessment as a Tool for Effective and Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Special Education at Primary School Level

Since 2016, the Ministry of Education (MoE) Malaysia has implemented Primary School Alternative Assessment (PSAA) where learners with learning disabilities carry out tasks based on two authentic and integrated instruments, ProKhas 1 and ProKhas 2 to develop their living, communication and collaborative skills. The tasks enable learners to apply the knowledge and skills that they have acquired in their primary schooling. PSAA provides a comprehensive and profound reporting of the learner’s abilities that can be used by the secondary school teachers and parents to understand and help them in their learning. The paper presents data analyses of learners’ acquisition of the skills assessed in PSAA for the last three (3) years of implementation. Five (5) main constructs (Literacy, Numeracy, Living Skills, Basic Science Skills and Values) were assessed and analyzed based on three (3) levels of competencies; competent, partially competent and not yet competent. The data used are of the total population. The results revealed the strengths and weaknesses of learners’ acquisition of the skills being assessed. Furthermore, they provide useful information for the teachers to plan effective teaching and learning activities, and for the MoE to improve the assessment designs and approaches that are meaningful and of beneficial to learners. The paper deals at length with the concept of PSAA, challenges in its implementation and data analysis of learners’ learning acquisitions for the past three (3) years.

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