Regional differences in the light of the last PISA and the competency assessments in Hungary

Regional differences in the light of the last PISA and the competency assessments in Hungary

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Regional differences in the light of the last PISA and the competency assessments in Hungary

In the international measurements organized on the field of the student assessments –, PIRLS, PISA, TIMSS –, Hungary involved from the beginning and was also participant each data admission. These studies with their comparable data file helped the professional self-reflection of the educational policy makers and teachers continuously, and from methodological viewpoint they insured excellent preparation and training base for the Hungarian measures experts. While the current data collections and evaluation processes of the mentioned international measurements went on according to the preliminary timing, in Hungary developed the so-called competency assessments system, which today became comprehensive evaluating-certification instrument of the public education.The Hungarian competency assessments are aimed at the exploration of the current level of the reading and mathematical literacy. Their different characteristic from the international assessments is that they touch the 6th, 8th and 10th classes, extend to the full round of the students, and repeat in every academic year. It is complemented by the data admissions adapted in the 4. classes, extending for each students, recurrent annually, which prepare the analysis of the reading, writing, and mathematical ability, and the structuring and combinative capabilities.The international student assessment drew early the attention of the experts to the facts that in Hungary are larger differences between the capacity levels of the schools, as between the students in the school, namely the Hungarian school system is territorially strongly divided, and qualitatively differentiated. The presentation shows these regional differences according to native and international measurements’, data.PIRLS: (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study)PISA: (Programme for International Student Assessment)TIMSS: (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study)

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