School Achievements Monitoring Toolkit: Assessment Framework

School Achievements Monitoring Toolkit: Assessment Framework

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

School Achievements Monitoring Toolkit: Assessment Framework

The presentation describes the assessment framework of the School Achievements Monitoring Toolkit (SAM) that is being developed by the Center for International Cooperation in Education Development (CICED, Russian Federation).The purpose of SAM is assessment of subject competences of primary school students in mathematics, language and science. The particular feature of SAM is that its assessmentmodel is based on Vygotsky’,s theory and is designed to evaluate examinees’, subject competences on three basic levels: formal, reflexive and functional. Such presentation of assessment results opens a way to deeper interpretation of learning outputs.Test items are developed for each subject content area in accordance with three levels indicated above. Each block of three items works as a detector that characterizes the level (quality) of mastering the relevant part of the learning program. Examples of items blocks will be demonstrated. The results of SAM pilot testing will be presented including test- and item analysis and evidence of SAM validity. Different approaches to test results scaling and presentation are ,discussed.SAM is supposed to be used in different countries. So questions of test translation and adaptation, as well as item bias are under consideration. The results of corresponding research  ,will be produced.

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