The analysis of examination results as a prerequisite for improved teaching

The analysis of examination results as a prerequisite for improved teaching

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

The analysis of examination results as a prerequisite for improved teaching

Cito, the Dutch National Institute for Educational Measurement, processes test- and item analyses of the annual national examinations based on a sample of exam candidates. For these analyses, schools submit the scores at item level of the first five candidates of the alphabetically ordered list of theirexaminees through an online service called WOLF. The analyses are included in the information used by the National Council for Examinations (CvE) in the decision-making process of setting cut-off scores for each subject of the national examinations. Since 2006, teachers willing to submit scores of all candidates in their classes can apply for customized reports of their students’, results compared to the results of the national sample. This so called ‘,group reports’, service, allows teachers to set up their own customized reports, based on a combination of subsets of questions (topics, domains, question types) and grouping of students (weak/ strong performers, male/ female etc.) Statistically, a group report is basic and limited in its ambitions. The group reports reinforce the intuitive knowledge of the teacher, because the results contribute to the ,assessment of the effectiveness of their teaching effort and of the quality of the curriculum.

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