The Awareness and Readiness of Some Technical Education Teachers to Engage Technology in Assessment at Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria

The Awareness and Readiness of Some Technical Education Teachers to Engage Technology in Assessment at Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

The Awareness and Readiness of Some Technical Education Teachers to Engage Technology in Assessment at Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria

The use of technology in assessment is a trend that is fast gaining ground across the world. The expectation is that all stake holders in education by now should be familiar with the idea and with their expected roles in the practice, and should be ready to engage in it as soon as possible if they are not yet doing so. Reasoning alongside Bionco (2013) that the awareness of any education policy or practice helps teachers in their classroom practices and influences their performance generally, this paper seeks to investigate the level of awareness and readiness of the teachers of two of the colleges of Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria. The procedure engaged is the questionnaire, and the data generated from it was analyzed using the mean statistics method, being a measure of central tendency. The results obtained disclosed very shocking revelations including teachers’, lack of basic computing knowledge, unawareness of their expected roles in the practice and even the lack of awareness of the concept of technology in assessment. The conclusion of the paper is that the teachers are not prepared to engage in the practice. Subsequently, the paper recommends that the institution should set up some drastic measures for the provision of basic computing equipment and knowledge for all staff within a given time frame, among other considerations.

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