The development of an online integrated assessment platform (IAP) for schools and sharing of assessment data among schools: opportunities and concerns

The development of an online integrated assessment platform (IAP) for schools and sharing of assessment data among schools: opportunities and concerns

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  • Create Date October 8, 2020
  • Last Updated October 8, 2020

The development of an online integrated assessment platform (IAP) for schools and sharing of assessment data among schools: opportunities and concerns

To promote ‘Assessment for Learning’ in the education sector is one of the key development areas in the business plan of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA). In the past few years, HKEAA developed the Assessment Quality-assurance Platform (AQP) for schools to conduct post-assessment data analysis to their own internal assessment papers. With reference to the analysis reports, teachers can make informed decision in deploying specific strategies to target different learning needs. At the same time, they can also identify items with particularly high or low difficulty level and/or discrimination power. Teachers find the platform easy to use and provide useful information for them to take follow-up actions in learning and teaching as well as assessment designs.

In the next stage of development, HKEAA plans to add another two modules to make AQP an integrated assessment platform (IAP). In this IAP, teachers may begin from an onscreen marking module to finish scoring answer scripts. Then, the scores of individual items will automatically go to the AQP module for data analysis. Based on the analysis results, the third module which includes a built-in item bank will automatically assign review questions to students. This integrated approach aims at allowing teachers focus on giving feedback to students’ performance in tests or review exercises.

To encourage sharing of quality items, this IAP allows schools to form networks. This represents a number of challenges in the management of the item bank. Copyright issues and equating methods are some of these administrative and technical problems. A pilot scheme for a few schools will be initiated to identify possible solutions in the course of system development.


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