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- Create Date August 2, 2018
- Last Updated August 2, 2018
Use of assessment to tackle Student’s Careless Mistakes
The purpose of this study is to tackle the issue of students’, careless mistakes duringmathematics assessment. It is hope that the students who have this issue of careless will beable to overcome it through the intervention and build their confidence in the handling of thesubject and improve their learning experiences. A group of students who displayed that theytend to be careless were selected to go through the intervention. The intervention is based thestudy on Newman Procedure which classify their careless mistakes into Reading Errors (R),Comprehension Errors (C), Transformation Errors (T), Process Errors (P), Encoding Errors(E). Students going through the intervention were guided to classify their mistakes. It was toraise their awareness of where they were likely to make the mistakes. They were then givenhelp to enable them to build up their competence. The students were led through theConscious Competence Learning Model. To measure the effectiveness of the intervention,the team used the Cohen',s Effect Size the students’, performance in assessment before andafter the intervention.
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