Validity Concerns in Education Assessment and the Competence of the Classroom Teacher: An Overview of the Uganda Classroom Teacher Competence

Validity Concerns in Education Assessment and the Competence of the Classroom Teacher: An Overview of the Uganda Classroom Teacher Competence

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Validity Concerns in Education Assessment and the Competence of the Classroom Teacher: An Overview of the Uganda Classroom Teacher Competence

Validity is one of the critical indicators of the quality of an assessment instrument. It is basically ,the measure of the extent to which an assessment instrument measures what it was designed to ,measure, by showing the degree of relationship between the curriculum standards and the ,instrument.Assessment instruments are tools regularly designed and employed by a classroom teacher to ,measure learners’, progress and, eventually, to determine learners’, achievement overtime. To ,achieve this, the instrument must possess the ability to deliver effectively. Delivering effectively ,means that the instrument measures exactly what it was tasked to measure. To a classroom ,teacher, the assessment instrument should pass atleast the content and construct validity levels. ,The validity of an instrument is taken care of during the process of development of that very ,instrument. A classroom teacher regularly develops and uses test instruments to assess theteaching and learning that goes on in his/her class. This presupposes that the teacher possesses ,the required skills or ability to come up with a good quality instrument. Such ability is the ,teacher’,s competence to cater for validity, among other qualities, of an assessment instrument, ,and, to a classroom teacher, mostly the content and construct validity. Therefore, thedevelopment of an effective assessment instrument requires the developer to have atleast basic ,competence in the principles of assessment.The paper sets to give an overview of the classroom teacher’,s competence to attend to validity ,concerns during assessment.Keywords: Uganda, teacher’,s, competence.

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