IAEA International Standards Webinars

IAEA has developed and published The International Standards for Educational Assessment Organisations (‘the Standards’) to support its aim of facilitating members to improve their assessments and examination systems. IAEA invites member organisations to conduct a review of their operations and processes using the Standards.
Download The Standards 

Please address any questions or comments to the Recognition Committee of the IAEA (e-mail address: recognitioncommittee@iaea.info).

There are three supporting documents available.

Report for the Self Evaluation Exercise [download]
is a form that participating organisations can use if they wish to record the results of their self-evaluation against the Standards.

Feedback Form for the Evaluation Exercise [download] 
IAEA welcomes feedback and suggestions for improvements to the Standards from organisations after completing their self-evaluation. The completed feedback form should be sent to the Recognition Committee.

Webinar slides [download]
The Standards were launched at webinars held on 22 May 2024.  The slides used at those launch webinars are available here