Barry Smith
Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) Introducing and assessing employability skills in apprenticeships: a clash of agendas
Writing papers for IAEA conferences starts with the birth of an idea in February, not just any idea, but an idea so powerful that it has to be shared internationally.…
Rethinking the assessment of competence: UK employers asked to blaze a trail
Big changes are underway in the assessment of Apprenticeships in England with employers asked to reconsider what is meant by competence-based assessment by looking at how and when competence should…
The Myths and the Reality of Assessing Functionality: Assessment issues emerging from the pilot of the new mathematics, English and ICT in England for young people and adults.
The Holy Grail of the assessment of generic skills is an arrangement where learning, understanding and application can be demonstrated by all audiences irrespective of context and programme of learning.…