Assessing the Intangible – Assessment of Values, Leadership and 21st Century Competencies

Assessing the Intangible – Assessment of Values, Leadership and 21st Century Competencies

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Assessing the Intangible – Assessment of Values, Leadership and 21st Century Competencies

Some educators believe that it is not possible to assess character, creativity and leadership. However, Haig Girls’, School has developed a standards-based approach to assessing values, leadership attributes and 21st century competencies (21CC) such as self-directed learning, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving as well as creativity and innovative thinking. The assessment criteria spell out the specific behaviors, attributes and competencies expected of pupils. The criteria are proficiency-based and progressive in their design, calibrated with different expectations for different levels (P1-2, P3-4, P5-6).In addition to teacher assessment, the school involves students in self and peer assessment to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning. Evidence of pupils’, demonstration of 21cc is collected via Web 2.0 tools which document pupils’, setting of learning goals and tasks, generation and improvement of ideas, peer feedback and self and peer assessment.Assessment criteria allow the school to communicate to pupils and parents the performance standards expected of every pupil. Assessing values, leadership and 21cc provides pupils with specific feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement in more than just academic areas. The assessment data allows the school to evaluate key pupil outcomes and improve programs to support pupils’, holistic development.Key Words: Assessment, Leadership, Values, 21st Century Competencies

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