Assessment and learning: building teachers’ assessment literacy

Assessment and learning: building teachers’ assessment literacy

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Assessment and learning: building teachers' assessment literacy

For too long, interest in improving students’, learning outcomes has been distracted by arguments about the relative merits of competing approaches to assessment, such as ‘,assessment for learning’, and ‘,assessment of learning’,. This paper seeks to return attention to the importance of understanding the symbiotic relationship between ‘,assessment and learning’, in improving students’, learning outcomes, and underscores the critical importance of building teachers’, assessment literacy for the effective functioning of this relationship.Assessment literacy –, teachers’, capacity to deeply understand and reflect on their assessment practices in theoretical and practical contexts –, has moved to the centre stage of education. Many national educational systems, in pursuing the goal of improving their citizens’, educational outcomes, expect that their teachers will deepen their understandings of the local, national, and international assessments that are increasingly impacting on teaching and learning.Drawing on the growing demands on teachers of upper secondary education in South Australia, this paper poses four questions: Why ‘,assessment literacy’,? How to represent assessment literacy? What role does the structure of the assessment and certification system play in identifying and nurturing teachers’, assessment literacy? What assessment literacies might teachers develop to effect a productive relationship between assessment and learning?

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