How can a report card facilitate assessment for learning?

How can a report card facilitate assessment for learning?

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

How can a report card facilitate assessment for learning?

While the report cards are issued to students in every academic year, does it help students learn better? Or does it allow parents to know how they can facilitate their kids', learning in school? This paper begins with elucidation of the various functions of a report card. Perception of parents about the report card is examined to understand if there is any gap/discrepancy between the proposed functions and the perceived ones. While the report card serves various functions, it is argued that one main purpose of classroom assessment, amongst others valued by both parents and students, is assessment for learning. To reach this goal, a report card should be designed to provide useful information that helps parents facilitate their kids’, progression in their studies.

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