Improvement of mathematical tests for admission examination and its influence on an estimation

Improvement of mathematical tests for admission examination and its influence on an estimation

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  • Create Date August 2, 2018
  • Last Updated August 2, 2018

Improvement of mathematical tests for admission examination and its influence on an estimation

The choice of the test tasks on admission examinations pursues two relative purposes:1. Certification of graduates of high schools.2. A choice of entrants for the higher schools of a first stage (extents of the bachelor). So test tasks on the mathematics help to reveal a knowledge grade and skills of high schools graduates which is necessary for their further learning in higher educational institutions and becoming competent specialists in the field. Therefore in the report the big attention is given three reference directions:1. The analysis of the basic requirements for mathematical items.2. The method of opening-up of the tests that could show skills of entrants.3. The statistical analysis of influencing of updated tests on students achievement (based on achievement of first-year students of the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy for last 5 years).

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